...F = Fan = Forever...: Lost Inside

SedihSedihSedih ...F = Fan = Forever... SedihSedihSedih

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Lost Inside

I'm lost
Like a ghost
I've been so despai
Just go fly like the air
I ran away from my problem
Because everytime i took a step, I always stumble
My only home is the end of the road
Where i wish that I could fall aboard
Now my eyes cover with blindness
Where there's only black and white as my witnesses
The earth is not my home
Because I just want to be alone
I explore the universe
But still, I'm lost

***Indira Odlum***

4 Komentar:

  • At July 30, 2005 3:08 AM, Blogger Raul Taufan said…

    Dah buka kamus, masih nggak ngerti juga...

  • At December 11, 2005 4:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    bLog lo kRen qLa...fuLL of poEm......i like write poem so much...n i'm so happy to knoW thaT stIll manY peoPle who liKe 2 wriTe it. eSpeciaLLy thiS oNe....qw jq peRnh nqRasa kyk qt......

    keeP up quD woRk y.......

    aLwYZ luV poEm.....


  • At February 17, 2006 2:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    nuka kamus apaan ampe ga ngerti, kamus bahasa gaul kalee... nih dengerin gw..maksudnya tuh nyasar fan... tp nyasar karena cinta... beeuh,, laga' banget dah gw.. hihihi... piss men..

  • At March 11, 2006 9:13 PM, Blogger Raul Taufan said…

    Yeee... Masa' buka kamus bahasa gaul, yg pasti sich, Opan buka kamus bahasa Italy... Khan jelas2 tuh puisi pakai Bahasa Italy.....
    Artiin satu2 dong puisinya, Please ya Wulan!!!


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